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A Full-Length Color of Light

A Full-Length Color of Light

On April 23, 2023, the Gloucester Meeting House Foundation graciously hosted a full length in-person screening of The Color of Light. Personally, it was a wonderful event. I was able to see eleven episodes edited together chronologically. (The Frank Knox Morton Rehn episode was cut due to length, but I still love that episode, about the artist’s house in Magnolia, MA, which cannot be sold without including the Rehn painting hanging in the foyer there.)

You can watch the whole episode here, which to me has the impact of a long view, a look across Cape Ann’s Art scene from the early 20th century and into the 21st, artist by artist. Themes and connections are evident here that aren’t in the single episodes.

It’s about an hour and fifteen minutes long; if you watch, let me know what you think! Here’s the link:


Thanks again to the Gloucester Meetinghouse Foundation, and all who came that rainy afternoon. The meetinghouse was filled with about a hundred safely spaced people who graciously gave The Color of Light a standing O!






The Gloucester Meeting House hosts a full production of The Color of Light

The Gloucester Meeting House hosts a full production of The Color of Light