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The Gloucester Meeting House hosts a full production of The Color of Light

The Gloucester Meeting House hosts a full production of The Color of Light

In The Color of Light, I tell Cape Ann’s Art story through the lens of many significant but lesser known Cape Ann artists. These are productions of 1623 Studios.

April 23 at 3:30 in the historic Gloucester Meeting House, the Gloucester Meeting House Foundation is graciously screening ten consective episodes of The Color of Light.

Charles Nazarian, Executive Director of the Gloucester Meeting House Foundation, will say a few words, as will I, and then you can watch Cape Ann’s artistic history unfold inside the poignant stories of the artists featured in The Color of Light, from the Folly Cove painters to Guggenheim Award winner Tsar Fedorsky.

A Full-Length Color of Light

A Full-Length Color of Light

New Color of Light: photographer Nubar Alexanian

New Color of Light: photographer Nubar Alexanian