Welcome to heatheranneatwood.com, where I keep track of my projects. Ask me questions! haatwood@gmail.com

We won.  The Nubar Alexanian Episode of The Color of Light has won a Gold Davey Award.  I'm proud of this series.

We won. The Nubar Alexanian Episode of The Color of Light has won a Gold Davey Award. I'm proud of this series.

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/59lSNP9be2s?si=rOsQuxWTukcz5uM9

"Refusing to Pay," my video debuts Saturday, Novembe 18th at the Gloucester Meetinghouse

"Refusing to Pay," my video debuts Saturday, Novembe 18th at the Gloucester Meetinghouse

Anna Coleman Ladd, sculptor, healer of the despairing

Anna Coleman Ladd, sculptor, healer of the despairing