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Cranberry Rum Sauce


This sauce is like the chunky jewelry version of a dessert topping, and it’s knockout with a simple black dress version of a slice of chocolate cake.

By adding rum and vanilla to a traditional cranberry sauce, this uber-local ingredient’s possibilities extend far beyond November.



Cranberries are a kind of Cinderella story.  Stuck in a bog, allowed out only at Thanksgiving, cranberries have just a fleeting moment to impress upon anyone their dessert-worthiness.  Meanwhile, that trollop raspberry trounces around all year acting as if she were chocolate’s one and only.  Yet, excellent quality cranberries are available fresh for a good part of the year, and frozen all year.  Cranberries are almost one hundred times less perishable than raspberries, and at least ten times less expensive.



I say move over raspberries; cranberries have de-throwned you as the singular berry with which to top a flourless chocolate cake or smother a bowl of vanilla Haggen Daz.

Here are the paparazzi making this cranberry rum sauce famous.  Watch for the video in January.



Cranberry Rum Sauce


makes 2 cups




2 cups of cranberries

1 cup sugar

1/3 cup rum

1 teaspoon vanilla

pinch of salt


Put all ingredients into a medium saucepan, and bring to a simmer of medium heat.  Simmer five minutes, or until the cranberries are popped and integrated into the liquid.  Serve warm or at room temperature


Poetry Interlude: A Little Bit About The Soul, by Wislawa Szymborska

Persimmon, Pomegranate and Hazelnut Salad