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Pier Gustafson, artist


This is what Pier Gustafson, calligrapher, illustrator, designer and drawer of wonderful things, leaves behind on a scrap of paper when he comes to visit.  To say he’s a calligrapher is like saying Mozart writes songs.



Pier designs fantastical and functional maps to weddings, birthday parties, bar mitzvahs, anywheres-ville, but he can also design a map of a life.  Imagine, you started here, ended up there, and had a few detours along the way.



Of course, Pier designs wedding invitations.  This one included the hand of God, bearing a wrist watch noting the event’s appointed time, pointing down to the blessed matrimonial site.


Pier draws portraits of homes -  the stately and the small charm of an out-building.  He designs book plates, coats of arms, and monograms - would your initials be best represented within a parched set of antlers?


Where would any respectable drawer of things be without a tattoo portfolio?



Of course, Pier illustrates holiday cards.


For a lyrical and beautiful visit, take a stroll through Pier's website:  http://www.piergustafson.com/

I’m just lucky to have a piece of paper with my family’s names on it, and the lovely icons, “Food,” “Friends,” and “File under ‘i’”  on my blog.   He's a wonderful "Friend," and we hope Pier comes back for dinner often.