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Alexandra's Bread


Paris may have Poilane, but if they were really lucky they would have Alexandra’s.  I’m not exaggerating.  Alexandra’s Bread in Gloucester, MA, a tiny, tin-ceilinged store front owned and operated by Alexandra Rhinelander and Jonathan Hardy, bakes bread that would crack a smile on the iciest Parisian fashion model.

Their cobbles and baguettes balance  crust with true chew, not a soft crumb that falls apart in your mouth but one that requires a good tug with the teeth to rip off a bite.  The ratio of natural wheat sugars to a faint sour tang - NOT the mouth-puckering, face-churning sourdough stuff sold at the end of every grocer aisle -  but a faint, wisp of yeasty taste, honeymoons in one’s mouth luxuriously with a smear of sweet butter.

But, Alexandra’s Olive Branches, baguettes burgeoning with olives so delicious people at the dinner table dive for a stray, are beyond bread perfection.  They belong in Paradise served to Dante’s Beatrice.  Delicious bread, delicious olives, delicious bread, delicious olives.  That’s what every bite is like.  And don’t think for a second this can’t be eaten for breakfast with sweet butter, rich black coffee on the side.  Until you’ve tried it, you have no idea.

The definition of exclusivity is something that’s very good which only the privileged can obtain.  Anybody can purchase Poilane loaves; they’ll ship their bread anywhere.  Alexandra’s Olive Branches sell out on a Saturday morning 15 minutes after coming out of the oven.  Paris, welcome to Gloucester.

Alexandra’s Bread

265 Main St.

Gloucester, MA
