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pssst...go to The Market on Lobster Cove for breakfast!

Thank me now.

This is the best summer tip you will hear.

From now on you will know exactly what to do with those weekend guests.  You will have the most creative yet classic destination for a first date, or an old date, or a charming anniversary.  A business deal would be certain to go in your favor here.  You will know exactly what to do if you’re having a bad start to a day, and just need a breakfast, a waiter, and a view.



The Market Restaurant on Lobster Cove in Annisquam, with the quaintest dock-side setting a coast could provide, or an artist could paint, serves breakfast everyday from 8 - 11 except Wednesdays.  And they serve brunch on weekends from 9-2.


For those of you who don’t know, owners Amelia O’Reilly and Nico Monday met in the kitchens of Alice Water’s famed Berkeley restaurant Chez Panisse.  The two returned to Amelia’s roots in Lanesville, and brought their Chez Panisse philosophy of preparing almost solely fresh local foods in creative and classic ways.  Dishes like fresh line-caught halibut with asparagus in a beurre blanc and homemade beet pasta lasagna have been making people happy about dinner for two summers.



But now you can go to The Market for breakfast.  If the pedigree means nothing to you, know that the coffee is fabulous, the french toast and huevos rancheros are both delicious and enormous, the marmalade is made in the kitchen, and the view is of boats rocking in the incoming or outgoing tide.  The music is the call of seabirds and the put-put of dinghy engines.

Like the dinner menu, the brunch menu will change depending on what's growing and being caught; the breakfast menu will remain basically the same.  Those strawberries on the French Toast were Cape Ann's.


Here are Nico and Howie, The Market sommelier, at breakfast.

Esther Mathieu, photographer

BLT Integrale Risotto